Episode 57: Guru Revue

Live music, flowers, chit chat and more! That was one of those episodes that felt like a well-oiled machine…everyone efficiently performed 2 excellent songs, nothing really inconvenient happened, we were cleared out in time for Steve to start on time, I got introduced to some new music, Gianni took these winsome pics (and videos which I will slap on here later) …A+!

ALSO! We are having a Crawfish Boil at Checkpoint Charlie’s on 4/22 (Sunday) to fund the live album! Live music by a bunch of our regular lurkers, crawfish simmered by Brooks Webb & Michael Darby, laundry right adjacent. Cmon out!

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Episode 54: GoFundThisLiveCD!

Launched the gofundme for the Musicians, Mentors, & Barroom Heroes Highlights (& Low-Lifes…) album, which is in the works as we “speak”! Thank you so much to everyone who’s kicked in, youse rock. Click here to contribute! All album proceeds will go to WHIV 102.3 FM and the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. Plus, you’ll get to hear live tunes/shenanigans from the past year of music and madcappery!

Several of the magicians who will appear on the album played live on last week’s show, we spun a bunch of local recorded tracks, we drank some seriously basic drinks (O’Doul’s out of a mug, vodka cran…) …a good time was had by all. Thank you to Rose for these photos I klepto’d 🙂

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Episode 52 (S2): My Last Brain Cell is Called Custer

Fun 4-hr episode with a slew of familiar faces/guitars/etc back in the studio! The unofficial theme was, “Eh, fuck it,” but of course the actual theme was “?”.

Big thanks to Lili and Natasha for taking these pics! And this playlist is probably only 90% accurate (and maybe 60% in the correct order) because my brain spontaneously shut off approximately 75% of the way through the show. (Being away from New Orleans for a few months made me revert back to my natural state of being a perversely-early bird, plus the uptick in sobriety is always a jolt to the system….)

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Episode 50: THE LAST STRAW (Season Finale)

Oh lawd!

Finally getting the playlist and pictures up from our season finale a week ago. What a night! We ran from 8pm to almost 1:30am and had over 50 guests in the studio, and various others tuning in from near and far. There were several newcomers (including my best&most-clever frand Brady, the notorious “Whalevo Rob”, and Jim Smith of Checkpoint Charlie’s Acoustic Open Mic), a bunch of old-comers, one dog, one child, a lot of delicious food, a lot of gas station food, Hair-on-the-Air (victim: me), Amber bringing a SPOCK candle (!!!) and Patrick Cooper announcing he was going to play “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go” seconds after I’d cued up that album on my laptop.

We heard tons of local tunes (mostly live, a few …un-live? dead? undead? ) in the company of an ever-charmingly-diverse crew dear friends, sworn enemies, and neighbors. Our pals at United Bakery Records came in to announce the fabulous shows they’re putting together this holiday season, and we even got a surprise visit at the very end from our illustrious leader, MarkAlain Dery! (emojis) It’s been a great year, and I’ll miss y’all like the dickens. See ya on the flip side! Semi-accurate playlist etc. below… there was a rough draft, then people started shouting requests… you know how it is.

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Episode 47: Tequil-over (Buffa’s After-Party, Oct)

What happens when you are physically undead from too many gigs/witless side-hustles and want to kick everyone in the kneecaps? You put on bear-cat ears, drink a stimulant, and show up at the after-party! A whale of a time! (Happy birthday to Renard Boussiere and Gloria Turrini.) Heard tunes from tons of excellent local singer-songwriters after kicking things off with Katie Sikora talking about “The Sexism Project” (journalistic exhibition she’s spearheading which runs Nov. 2, 3, and 5 at Prez Hall.) Many of the recorded tunes we “spun” last night are from the artists playing the event. (Also, past MM&BRH guest Dominique LeJeune aka DJ Dominomnom is DJing the opening night. Woo!) See playlist below!

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Episode 46: The Big Ol’ Chicken-Less Fest

Photo by Brandy

(It’s October 22nd, and you know what that means…it’s time for THE BIG OL’ CHICKEN-FEST!

(I completely made that up.) We’re celebrating my dad being in town with a boiled chicken/fried fish fiasco a la Darby and Brandy Roden, plus mystery *legal* reptile courtesy of Cajun cooker Red DeVecca… And (duh) New Orleans music played live from 102.3 WHIV FM studios! Plus…

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Episode 44: Sqrrlz & Grrlz!

Following the raging success of last week’s “Fishes n B!tches” fish fry, Musicians, Mentors, and Barroom Heroes brings you “Sqrrlz & Grrlz”, a Michael-Darby-homecooked squirrel stew (or something) on-air extravaganza, complete with alligator meat from Red DeVecca and a frozen rabbit/possum from Lou. Come for the sqrrlz, stay for the grrlz. (Or vice versa.) Tune in for the sizzle.

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Episode #43: Fishes ‘n’ B!tches! (The September Buffa’s After-Party)

Fiiiiishes n Biiiitches!!! (aka Incest Fest ’17) Thank you to all the musicians who played and extra big thanks to Michael Darby for catching/cleaning/cooking all dat fish. Check out Stacey’s rockin’ “Hair on the Air” mohawk ‘do on Rose Cangelosi’s rockin’ head!

Also, thanks to Natasha Sanchez for hosting the pre-party(/party-party) at Buffa’s, Shawn for running boards, Stacey for taking pics, and everyone else who hung out: Amy Wingrave, Peter Huganir, Pizza Mike, Lumino Perseid, Lynn Drury, Smitti Supab, Corey Collins, Greg, Becca, Laaaaaurel, David Dunau, and my best and most clever friend, Liam DeFazio.

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Episode #38: You Can Call Me “Sand” (The August Buffa’s After-Party)


Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, table and indoor

Thanks so much to all the songwriters who came out and played after this afternoon’s Songwriter Circle feat Cary Hudson, Jean Bayou, Natasha Sanchez at Buffa’s Bar & Restaurant, plus Patrick Cooper driving in from somewheres and the eternally-uninvited Shawn Williams debuting a new song. Thank you to Stacey Kelly Vintage Styling for the amazing hair-do, and congrats to Corey Collins starting his new show “Under the Influence” (11p-1a on Sunday nights!) [Tune in Mondays now, for the Super Sounds of Sunday with Just Wade. 7-9pm!]

Bad jokes, great music, new gimmicks. Walk-ins welcome. Playlist below!

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