Episode 52 (S2): My Last Brain Cell is Called Custer

Fun 4-hr episode with a slew of familiar faces/guitars/etc back in the studio! The unofficial theme was, “Eh, fuck it,” but of course the actual theme was “?”.

Big thanks to Lili and Natasha for taking these pics! And this playlist is probably only 90% accurate (and maybe 60% in the correct order) because my brain spontaneously shut off approximately 75% of the way through the show. (Being away from New Orleans for a few months made me revert back to my natural state of being a perversely-early bird, plus the uptick in sobriety is always a jolt to the system….)

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Episode 45: The Hot Brown

MM&BRH #45: “The Hot Brown” (…Recipe: Hip Hop + Southern Rock + Ukuleles + Trad Jazz + Punk + Comedy + Chaos, Moonpies, Moonshine, and a pinch of children and dogs. Topped with bacon, served with dragonfruit.)

Thank you oodles to everyone who played live music, brought in tracks, blood on the tracks, made a Hot Brown, crossed Parish Lines, supplied moonpies/gas station food/liquor-water (plenty of sauza-flavored water in the trunk for next week, thank you mystery Good Samaritan!) etc.

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Episode #43: Fishes ‘n’ B!tches! (The September Buffa’s After-Party)

Fiiiiishes n Biiiitches!!! (aka Incest Fest ’17) Thank you to all the musicians who played and extra big thanks to Michael Darby for catching/cleaning/cooking all dat fish. Check out Stacey’s rockin’ “Hair on the Air” mohawk ‘do on Rose Cangelosi’s rockin’ head!

Also, thanks to Natasha Sanchez for hosting the pre-party(/party-party) at Buffa’s, Shawn for running boards, Stacey for taking pics, and everyone else who hung out: Amy Wingrave, Peter Huganir, Pizza Mike, Lumino Perseid, Lynn Drury, Smitti Supab, Corey Collins, Greg, Becca, Laaaaaurel, David Dunau, and my best and most clever friend, Liam DeFazio.

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