Episode 55: Hair in the Chair (+ help fund the CD!!)

Almost halfway to fundraising goal, and playlist from last Thursday’s show! Thanks to all the musicians and lurkers who hung out, and to my Annie and Dan (my aunt & uncle in from Massachusetts!) for hangin’ with all us crazies 🙂

If you like what you hear, please considering chipping in to help make our live album! All proceeds go to good causes: 50% to WHIV 102.3 FM, and 50% to the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic! Big thanks to all who have chipped in so far; every little bit helps!

Visit the GoFundMe link here to support the Musicians’ Clinic, badass community radio, and New Orleans music!

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Episode 54: GoFundThisLiveCD!

Launched the gofundme for the Musicians, Mentors, & Barroom Heroes Highlights (& Low-Lifes…) album, which is in the works as we “speak”! Thank you so much to everyone who’s kicked in, youse rock. Click here to contribute! All album proceeds will go to WHIV 102.3 FM and the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. Plus, you’ll get to hear live tunes/shenanigans from the past year of music and madcappery!

Several of the magicians who will appear on the album played live on last week’s show, we spun a bunch of local recorded tracks, we drank some seriously basic drinks (O’Doul’s out of a mug, vodka cran…) …a good time was had by all. Thank you to Rose for these photos I klepto’d 🙂

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Episode 53 (S2): Club Foot / Peaches Joint Alumni Meeting

Great episode! Below is an extended playlist; wouldn’t have had time to play everything cuz we had so many guest/audience requests phoned/”phoned” in. Yay! Thanks to Elise, Corey, Jim, Natasha, and Dick for pickin tunes.

During the 7-8 hour, had my pal Richard “Dick Deluxe” Egner in the studio with his old friend Richard Marriott, founder of the Club Foot Orchestra. They talked about their work with that ensemble, a San Francisco-born, performance art-centric group that made a name for itself providing complex soundtracks to classic silent movies (check out their website here: http://www.clubfootorchestra.com/) and also played a couple of lovely duets! (I always love having brass instruments in the studio.) Big thanks to Elisabeth Beaird for taking photos of the Richards, and to Natasha Sanchez for this photo of Jim Sniff I klepto’d from a different episode, see below.

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Episode 52 (S2): My Last Brain Cell is Called Custer

Fun 4-hr episode with a slew of familiar faces/guitars/etc back in the studio! The unofficial theme was, “Eh, fuck it,” but of course the actual theme was “?”.

Big thanks to Lili and Natasha for taking these pics! And this playlist is probably only 90% accurate (and maybe 60% in the correct order) because my brain spontaneously shut off approximately 75% of the way through the show. (Being away from New Orleans for a few months made me revert back to my natural state of being a perversely-early bird, plus the uptick in sobriety is always a jolt to the system….)

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