Episode 55: Hair in the Chair (+ help fund the CD!!)

Almost halfway to fundraising goal, and playlist from last Thursday’s show! Thanks to all the musicians and lurkers who hung out, and to my Annie and Dan (my aunt & uncle in from Massachusetts!) for hangin’ with all us crazies 🙂

If you like what you hear, please considering chipping in to help make our live album! All proceeds go to good causes: 50% to WHIV 102.3 FM, and 50% to the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic! Big thanks to all who have chipped in so far; every little bit helps!

Visit the GoFundMe link here to support the Musicians’ Clinic, badass community radio, and New Orleans music!

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Episode 54: GoFundThisLiveCD!

Launched the gofundme for the Musicians, Mentors, & Barroom Heroes Highlights (& Low-Lifes…) album, which is in the works as we “speak”! Thank you so much to everyone who’s kicked in, youse rock. Click here to contribute! All album proceeds will go to WHIV 102.3 FM and the New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. Plus, you’ll get to hear live tunes/shenanigans from the past year of music and madcappery!

Several of the magicians who will appear on the album played live on last week’s show, we spun a bunch of local recorded tracks, we drank some seriously basic drinks (O’Doul’s out of a mug, vodka cran…) …a good time was had by all. Thank you to Rose for these photos I klepto’d 🙂

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Episode #33: Poaching From The Mint

Lawd! What a crew. I harassed Jamey St Pierre and Ted Hefko to be on the show after an intimate performance with Dick Deluxe at the US Mint, and all these other great folks showed up too. Thank you so much to everyone that played, read, chatted, took pictures, refrained from barking, and lurked around in such a way as to cultivate the warm, wacky atmosphere that makes Sunday nights at 102.3 WHIV FM such a blast. Thank you Josh for these beautiful pics!

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Episode #32: Arabi Open Mic Field Trip

Last night’s playlist! Thank you oodles to everyone who played (Dominique & Carly, Ukulele Jake, #WhoNat, #WhoPat, and JP) as well as Joshua Nelson Straume, Zachary Nelson Smith Esq, Andrew, Peter Huganir, and co-horst Pizza Mike for hanging out. My heartwarms were really acting up by the time JP played “Whisky”  A few folks’ first time on air, woohoo! Continue reading