Episode #43: Fishes ‘n’ B!tches! (The September Buffa’s After-Party)

Fiiiiishes n Biiiitches!!! (aka Incest Fest ’17) Thank you to all the musicians who played and extra big thanks to Michael Darby for catching/cleaning/cooking all dat fish. Check out Stacey’s rockin’ “Hair on the Air” mohawk ‘do on Rose Cangelosi’s rockin’ head!

Also, thanks to Natasha Sanchez for hosting the pre-party(/party-party) at Buffa’s, Shawn for running boards, Stacey for taking pics, and everyone else who hung out: Amy Wingrave, Peter Huganir, Pizza Mike, Lumino Perseid, Lynn Drury, Smitti Supab, Corey Collins, Greg, Becca, Laaaaaurel, David Dunau, and my best and most clever friend, Liam DeFazio.

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