Episode 50: THE LAST STRAW (Season Finale)

Oh lawd!

Finally getting the playlist and pictures up from our season finale a week ago. What a night! We ran from 8pm to almost 1:30am and had over 50 guests in the studio, and various others tuning in from near and far. There were several newcomers (including my best&most-clever frand Brady, the notorious “Whalevo Rob”, and Jim Smith of Checkpoint Charlie’s Acoustic Open Mic), a bunch of old-comers, one dog, one child, a lot of delicious food, a lot of gas station food, Hair-on-the-Air (victim: me), Amber bringing a SPOCK candle (!!!) and Patrick Cooper announcing he was going to play “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go” seconds after I’d cued up that album on my laptop.

We heard tons of local tunes (mostly live, a few …un-live? dead? undead? ) in the company of an ever-charmingly-diverse crew dear friends, sworn enemies, and neighbors. Our pals at United Bakery Records came in to announce the fabulous shows they’re putting together this holiday season, and we even got a surprise visit at the very end from our illustrious leader, MarkAlain Dery! (emojis) It’s been a great year, and I’ll miss y’all like the dickens. See ya on the flip side! Semi-accurate playlist etc. below… there was a rough draft, then people started shouting requests… you know how it is.

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Episode #29: Bob Bateman and the Musical Intros

When you ask Bob Bateman to introduce the people he brought with him to your radio show (“Mike Marks and Sweet Dee”, you learn eventually), and you get this convoluted explanation of how they met (see video below.) Ha! Awesome. (Also when you are capable of controlling your spastic laughter and acting like a professional.) Crazy fun night with these folks, Jimi Palacios, Martha Francis, and Pizza Mike.

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Episode #24: N.O. Dead Air Cuatro, Jass Fezt Finale

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

Live tunes from Jean Bayou, Lili Dove, Andre Lovett, Marc Paradis, Natasha Sanchez, and Bob Worth! Additional yakking/lurking from Red DeVecca, Pizza Mike, Ashley Rice, Abby Tideman, Sarah Murphy, and/or myself. 102.3 WHIV FM 9-11 pm, tune in! (Phone in, from your local bar, living room, or out-of-state phone booth. I’ll hold your 2 cents up to the mic.)

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