Episode 47: Tequil-over (Buffa’s After-Party, Oct)

What happens when you are physically undead from too many gigs/witless side-hustles and want to kick everyone in the kneecaps? You put on bear-cat ears, drink a stimulant, and show up at the after-party! A whale of a time! (Happy birthday to Renard Boussiere and Gloria Turrini.) Heard tunes from tons of excellent local singer-songwriters after kicking things off with Katie Sikora talking about “The Sexism Project” (journalistic exhibition she’s spearheading which runs Nov. 2, 3, and 5 at Prez Hall.) Many of the recorded tunes we “spun” last night are from the artists playing the event. (Also, past MM&BRH guest Dominique LeJeune aka DJ Dominomnom is DJing the opening night. Woo!) See playlist below!

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Episode #38: You Can Call Me “Sand” (The August Buffa’s After-Party)


Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, table and indoor

Thanks so much to all the songwriters who came out and played after this afternoon’s Songwriter Circle feat Cary Hudson, Jean Bayou, Natasha Sanchez at Buffa’s Bar & Restaurant, plus Patrick Cooper driving in from somewheres and the eternally-uninvited Shawn Williams debuting a new song. Thank you to Stacey Kelly Vintage Styling for the amazing hair-do, and congrats to Corey Collins starting his new show “Under the Influence” (11p-1a on Sunday nights!) [Tune in Mondays now, for the Super Sounds of Sunday with Just Wade. 7-9pm!]

Bad jokes, great music, new gimmicks. Walk-ins welcome. Playlist below!

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Episode #35: Buffa’s Songwriter Circle After-Party (Jul)

Live tunes from Carolyn Broussard, Lili Dove, everyone I could kidnap from Natasha Sanchez’s songwriter circle at Buffa’s that afternoon! (#WhoNat, Chip Wilson, Peter Orr was detained, unfortunately.) Playlist below! Thank you to all of you playa’s, lurkers, and tuners-in! A special thanks to Pizza Mike for the gas station food, which is “a new concept” to him. Adieu, Lili Dove, thank you for the little black dress, and be back soon!

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