Episode #38: You Can Call Me “Sand” (The August Buffa’s After-Party)


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Thanks so much to all the songwriters who came out and played after this afternoon’s Songwriter Circle feat Cary Hudson, Jean Bayou, Natasha Sanchez at Buffa’s Bar & Restaurant, plus Patrick Cooper driving in from somewheres and the eternally-uninvited Shawn Williams debuting a new song. Thank you to Stacey Kelly Vintage Styling for the amazing hair-do, and congrats to Corey Collins starting his new show “Under the Influence” (11p-1a on Sunday nights!) [Tune in Mondays now, for the Super Sounds of Sunday with Just Wade. 7-9pm!]

Bad jokes, great music, new gimmicks. Walk-ins welcome. Playlist below!

“Peanut Man” – Tim Buckley
“Death Don’t Have No Mercy” – Robert Eustis feat. Spencer Bohren “CDs I Received in Bars” collection!
“Happy Jack” – Natasha Sanchez LIVE
“Jesus’ Love” – Natasha Sanchez LIVE
“Invisible” – Marc E. Belloni. “CDs I Received in Bars” collection!
“I Don’t Think Much” – Patrick Cooper LIVE
“Don’t Make Me Put It All In A Song” – Patrick Cooper LIVE
“Butterfly” – Cary Hudson LIVE
“Skinny Dippin” – Cary Hudson LIVE
“Shanty” – Jonathan Edwards
“Eve of Destruction” – Nervous Duane LIVE [or. PF Sloan]
“(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding” – Nervous Duane LIVE a cappella! [or. Elvis Costello. All Elvis’ Matter!]
“The Light of Day” – Jean Bayou LIVE
“Happy as the Day I Was Born” – Jean Bayou LIVE
“Peter Huganir Swoops in En Route to the Eclipse!”
“One O’Clock Jump” – New Orleans Jazz Vipers
“I’d Rather Go Blind” – Etta James
“Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down” – Royal Roses
“One Night” – Elvis Presley Happy 40th anniversary of Elvis’ death week!
“Crazy Awesome Rockabilly Hairdo Complete!” – Stacey Leigh Bridewell. Check out the pics on Musicians, Mentors and Barroom Heroes’ page!
“Troublez” – Shawn Williams LIVE depressingly happy debut!
“Leave” – Shawn Williams Music LIVE also a debut! all this new music!
“Cracklin’ Water” – OP8 & Lisa Germano. From Happy Hours with Auntie Linda Cassidy 
“Happy Boy Blues” – Patrick Cooper LIVE
“Hallelujah” – Leonard Cohen “And even though it all went wrong/ I’ll stand before the Lord of Song/ with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.” 
[co-opted into beginning of Corey Collins show: “I Shall Not Want/Memory Made and Mistook” – Aurora Nealand Music]